Frequently asked questions



How Much Time It Takes To Deliver The Project ?

It depends on the size of the project. So an exact time frame can be provided only after analyzing and understanding the requirements of the customer.

Do I Need To Meet You To Discuss My Requirements ?

Not necessarily. We have various communication modes like phone, chat, remote session, online meeting and email to discuss with you to understand your requirements

What Standard Do You Follow While Developing The Site ?

We follow HTML,W3C & ECMA standards for web-development.

Is Your Work SEO Friendly ?

We strictly follow different search engine and webmaster guidelines to make your site SEO friendly.

What Information Do You Need From Me ?

We need all content, images, and all required paid modules from the customer.

I Want To Redesign My Website.Do You Do It ?

Yes, we do. We need the existing/staging site's root FTP and C-Panel access to start the development.

Do You Develop Games?

Yes we develop games based on your requirements. We can also take your ideas and create games based on your ideas.

Do You Provide Source Code For The Games Developed?

Yes, we will give you the source code of the game developed by you.

Do You Help In Publishing The Game To The Store?

Yes, we will help in publishing the game to Android, IOS and Windows Stores.

Inspired By Passion

Contact us for your business requirements!!