I n s p i r e d B y C u r i o s i t y
Archery Games
Best Archery game released on mobile! This is a bow and arrow game where the gameplay is to shoot a target board with the bow and arrow to get the highest score. The center of the target board gives you the highest score and bonus arrows. You have the option to choose from a different type of Targets, Bows, and Arrows. The games have an integrated Leader board for tracking your score and achievements.
Game Features
Animation аnd rеаliѕtiс grарhiсѕ.
Leader board and Achievements
Realistic animation effects.
Free and fun archery game.
Inspired By Curiosity
"Have you got an awesome idea of a game which can become next hit ? But don"t know how to get it developed, then you have come to the right place."